Our achievements
2022 was an exciting year, full of great achievements that make me very proud of my team and of our vibrant community!
Among the many developments, I’d like to name a few that stand out:
- Wageningen University & Research has joined 4TU.ResearchData
- We have been awarded and we have kicked off the Skills4EOSC project
- We have launched the Thematic Digital Competence Centre for Natural and Engineering Sciences
Personally, I am the most proud of 4TU.ResearchData embarking on a new strategic direction: With the full support of our Board members, we decided to practice what we preach and invest in the building of our own free & open source software to run the 4TU.ResearchData repository.
This will facilitate community-driven innovation in 4TU.ResearchData. This is an important achievement and I’d like to congratulate and thank everyone involved for their efforts and contributions.

Marta Teperek
Director, 4TU.ResearchData