Our role in the
Skills4EOSC project

The Skill4EOSC project will set up a pan-European network of competence centres to speed up the training of European researchers. 4TU.ResearchData’s major contributions in Skills4EOSC are:
- creating a curriculum for data stewards, by building on the existing work of Research Data Netherlands on the Essentials4DataSupport course, which can be further introduced to other European countries.
- building Professional Networks for Lifelong Learning – as work package leaders, the work focuses on building data stewards communities in Europe, starting disciplinary communities for FAIR Data and organising a fellowship programme for aspiring data professionals.
- collaborating with 43 partners from all European countries, as well as connecting 4TU.ResearchData to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The Skill4EOSC project
will set up a pan-European
network of competence centres to
speed up the training of European researchers. 4TU.ResearchData’s major contributions in Skills4EOSC are:
- creating a curriculum for data stewards, by building on the existing work of Research Data Netherlands on the Essentials4DataSupport course, which can be further introduced to other European countries.
- building Professional Networks for Lifelong Learning – as work package leaders, the work focuses on building data stewards communities in Europe, starting disciplinary communities for FAIR Data and organising a fellowship programme for aspiring data professionals.
- collaborating with 43 partners from all European countries, as well as connecting 4TU.ResearchData to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Click on the image above to see Curtis Sharma launch the project.