4TU.ResearchData and Research Data Netherlands (RDNL)
On the 29th of November 2022 Research Data Netherlands (RDNL) (4TU.ResearchData is a co-founder) and the National Programme Open Science (NPOS) jointly organised the ‘FAIR Data Day’ to award the biannual Dutch Data Prizes and to celebrate the advancements of FAIR Data in the Netherlands.
It was a fantastic event, filled with inspiring keynote speakers, community-led workshops, thought-provoking discussions, overjoyed prize winners and an overall vibrant atmosphere. 2022 was also the 7th anniversary of the biannual Dutch Data Prize competition!
The 4TU.ResearchData dataset from Mitchell van Zuijlen’s PhD project called “Materials in Paintings (MIP): An interdisciplinary dataset for perception, art history, and computer vision” won the Dutch Data Prize in the natural & engineering sciences. The prize was collected during the awards ceremony by our colleague Jan van der Heul, who personally curated the dataset.